You've gotta appreciate the little things you can accomplish when you know as little Chinese as I do. Last week, in Chinese class:
鐘老師: 潔旎, 你的 生日 是 哪天?
潔旎: 七月 十九號.
鐘老師: 哪年?
我: 每年!
You've gotta appreciate the little things you can accomplish when you know as little Chinese as I do. Last week, in Chinese class:
鐘老師: 潔旎, 你的 生日 是 哪天?
潔旎: 七月 十九號.
鐘老師: 哪年?
我: 每年!
So Josh just told me about It's a neat concept - free online storage in exchange for the requirement that everything's public. It's a great way both to trade information at a higher speed and settle on standards (as people will be using the same versions of files, just like source repositories) (note to self: write about how faster exchange might equal accepting more standards).
I said, "so, clearly, you can't upload copyrighted material..."
The first thought that came to my mind was to create an online directory of people who were willing to trade files over myfabrik and you agree on a time to trade, then take the files down because leaving them up would leave them likely to being happened upon.
Then, I said, " you could have a program that searches the directory, negotiates a time with the other party, then automatically uploads, downloads, deletes.
Josh says, "and instead of 'torrents' they'd be called 'stitches'. I can see the program icon now!"
But why create it? I mean, there's no profit in it, and why is it better than torrents? It's like the laserdisc or the SACD - yeah, they're better, but they're not revolutionary.
The other day, I went to my local supermarket to do my normal shopping. Most weeks, I get a half pound of sliced ham and a half pound of sliced turkey from the deli. I've been noticing lately, though, that I eat all the turkey first and then most of the ham goes bad. So I ordered "three fifths of a pound of turkey, please." The very nice deli counter worker said, "ok," and set about pulling turkey from the display case. After a minute, she called her manager over, and they discussed something for a minute, and then the original worker asked, "um, what's three fifths of a pound?" I can accept that some people just don't do fractions well; that's fine, and it doesn't make her evil, stupid, or make me want to shop there less (as she was polite about her question). The following, however does bug me: neither of them got it right when I responded that "three fifths is point six pounds." I mean, the scale has the decimal point right there. Is it that easy to confuse ".4" with ".6"? I don't mean that you glance at it and mistake the "4" for a "6". I mean she looked at the scale, which read, ".42" and asked, "is that about right?"
Now, I don't mean to point out the flaws of one seemingly very nice person. I am using this as an example of the kind of things our schools are failing to teach. I applaud any effort to improve schools, so I'm all for giving this "no-child" thing a shot, but it doesn't seem like a silver bullet that will work across the country. If you set standards, and thus money, on knowledge tests rather than critical thinking tests, there's no incentive to teach the skills that people need to excel in math and science. That isn't to say that we should completely abandon either the idea of basing funding on test scores or on testing knowledge; both may have value. In addition to the capital of Illinois (probably Chicago, right? <-- note for humor-impaired: this is a joke), though, we should probably test a person's ability to make (or better yet, judge) a rhetorical argument.
In his spare time, Gaius Centus Novus starts companies and cooks.
I may not agree with what is said here, but let it be said that